
After you have survived the initial stage of gangrene and properly treated, the recovery afterwards must also be assessed. This includes any or all of the following:
  • Keep the affected area clean.
  • Follow the health-care provider's instructions regarding changing bandages and dressings.
  • Be sure to complete the antibiotic course that is prescribed.
  • Limit activity as much as possible for a few days.


Finally, the only way to not get this disease again, or not at all if you have never gotten it before, is to prevent your body from getting it. Some tips on how to not contract and type of gangrene:
  • Keep wounds clean and sterile by cleaning all wounds thoroughly with antiseptic solution.

  • Watch for signs of infection, such as pus, redness, swelling, or unusual pain.

  • Consult a health-care provider if any wound becomes infected.

  • People with diabetes should control their blood-sugar levels with proper medication.

  • Education about proper foot care is vital for people with diabetes. They should routinely examine their feet for any signs of injury or change in skin color. Any small injury should be immediately cared for. They should keep their nails trimmed and wear comfortable well-fitting shoes.